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Marc M. Cohen Architect P. C.


Marc M. Cohen, President of Astrotecture™

Dr. Marc M. Cohen is a licensed architect who has devoted his career to developing the new field of Space Architecture.  Marc worked at NASA Ames Research Center for 26 years, then at Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems for 4.5 years.  At NASA Ames, Marc began as a facilities architect, designing aircraft support facilities, life science labs, and wind tunnels.  At the beginning of the Space Station Program (1983), Marc was appointed to the Space Station Concept Development Group at NASA HQ where he served as a “commuting member” for a year. 

At Ames, Marc became a founding member of the Space Human Factors Office where he led the design of the Space Station Proximity Operations Simulator and invented the Suitport EVA Access Facility in parallel with the AX-5 Space Suit program.  Marc also patented the nodes and cupola on the Space Station.  In 1991, he joined the Advanced Space Technology Office on the Center Director’s staff to develop the Human Exploration Demonstration Project.  In 1995, he went to the Space Projects Division to serve as the Human Engineering lead for SOFIA.  There he worked also on Humans to Mars and the Habot Mobile Lunar Base.

At Northrop Grumman, Marc’s major focus was the Constellation Program’s Altair Lunar Lander.  Marc is now developing his own private practice of Space Architecture.  The goal is to provide this expertise to the new emerging entrepreneurial space companies, while continuing to lend support to NASA and the mainstream aerospace industry.

Marc attended Architecture School:

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Renée Matossian, Architect

Renée L. Matossian is a Licensed Architect who joined Astrotecture™ in November 2012.  She is the core space architect on the Water Walls Life Support Architecture contract with NASA for the NASA Innovative and Advaned Concepts grant. 

Renée holds a BA from Barnard College of Columbia University and a Master of Architecture (Space Architecture) from

the University of Houston.

Astrotecture™ is building a team of the best people in Space Architecture, Human Factors, Life Support, and Aerospace Engineering.   Our team consists of direct employees, consultants, and subcontractors.  This page presents our core staff.